Using Games and Gamification for Natural Language Processing
Introduction by OpenMethods Editor (Delphine Montoliu): Here is the report of the 2017 symposium of two associations, Game4NLP and EACLinguistics, who shared ideas and methods for NLP research.
Games4NLP was an independent symposium co-located with the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL) Conference that took place on 4 April 2017 in Valencia, Spain.
The symposium aimed to promote and explore the possibilities for research and practical applications of using games and gamification for Natural Language Processing (NLP). The main objective was to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss and share ideas regarding how the NLP research community can benefit from using game/gamification strategies. For example, games can be used to collect large numbers of annotations of human language provided that there are sufficient numbers of players who are motivated to play, and these annotations, when aggregated, can be used as labels that replace or compliment the effort of expert annotators.
Original publication date: 22/07/2017.
Source: Using Games and Gamification for Natural Language Processing