In the next Spotlights episode, we are looking behind the scenes of TaDiRAH with Dr. Luise Borek and Dr. Canan Hastic who give us a rich introduction to the new version of it. We discuss communities around TaDiRAH, the evolution of DH, open data culture, linking with Wikidata…and many more!
Category: Community Building
Community Building is the activity of creating or enhancing a community with a common interest. It may include dissemination, teaching as well as advocating for specific activities, practices, or values.
Introduction: What are the essential data literacy skills data literacy skills in (Digital) Humanities? How good data management practices can be translated to humanities disciplines and how to engage more and more humanists in such conversations? Ulrike Wuttke’s reflections on the “Vermittlung von Data Literacy in den Geisteswissenschaften“ barcamp at the DHd 2020 conference does not only make us heartfelt nostalgic about scholarly meetings happening face to face but it also gives in-depth and contextualized insights regarding the questions above. The post comes with rich documentation (including links to the barcamp’s metapad, tweets, photos, follow-up posts) and is also serve as a guide for organizers of barcamps in the future.
Introduction: This white paper is an outcome of a DH2019 workshop dedicated to foster closer collaboration among technology-oriented DH researchers and developers of tools to support Digital Humanities research. The paper briefly outlines the most pressing issues in their collaboration and addresses topics such as: good practices to ease mutual understanding between scholars and researchers; software development and academic career and recognition; or sustainability and funding.
Introduction: This article proposes establishing a good collaboration between FactMiners and the Transkribus project that will help the Transkribus team to evolve the “sustainable virtuous” ecosystem they described as a Transcription & Recognition Platform — a Social Machine for Job Creation & Skill Development in the 21st Century!
Introduction: A very interesting post written by Domenico Fiormonte on a more diverse and equal Digital Humanities. Fiormonte aims for a more critical digital humanities, but not only in relation to disciplines, methods or tools. He also emphazises on geopolitics and the Global South situation in the Digital Humanities field.
Introduction: This post highlights digital methods and standards for an efficient analysis of historical data.
Introduction: This paper describes the process whereby queries of the VRE system expressed in CERIF format are transformed into the metatada formats of the underlying e-Research Infrastructures and conversely, the results are re-transformed into CERIF and presented to the eVRE user.
Introduction: This article describes the landscape of data repositories and services for archaeologists in Europe, and the issues that make interoperability between them difficult to realise. The results of the ARIADNE surveys on users’ expectations and requirements are also presented. The main section of the article describes the architecture of the e-infrastructure, core services (data registration, discovery and access) and various other services.
Introduction: NeMO is a conceptual framework for DH. It offers a well-founded conceptualization of scholarly work, which can function as schema for a knowledge base containing information on scholarly research activity, including goals, actors, methods, tools and resources involved.
Introduction: This short post captures the problem of inadequate representation of data-driven criticism by scholars who are reluctant to empirical methods.