XML Pipelines and XProc 3.0: Report of the WG Meeting in Aachen – CCeH
Introduction by OpenMethods editor (Paul Spence): Processing XML flows has sometimes been a complicated affair traditionally, and XProc was designed to standardise and simplify the process by using declarative XML pipelines to manage operations. This blog post by Gioele Barabucci presents conclusions from a meeting in late 2017 of the XProc 3.0 working group, exploring the latest emerging version of the standard and the kinds of challenges it will overcome.
An XML pipeline is a series of steps though which an XML documents flow […]. However, in contrast with a shell script, XProc pipelines are: Declarative […]; Portable […]; Specialized for XML […]; Can have more than one input and produce more than one output; Easily extend to intricate pipelines with loops and parallel branches.
Original publication date: 19/09/2017.
Source: XML Pipelines and XProc 3.0: Report of the WG Meeting in Aachen – CCeH