SPARQL for music: when melodies meet ontology

SPARQL for music: when melodies meet ontology

Introduction: Developed in the context of the EU H2020 Polifonia project, the investigation deals with the potentialities of SPARQL Anything to
to extract musical features, both at metadata and symbolic levels, from MusicXML files. The paper captures the procedure that has applied by starting from an overview about the application of ontologies to music, as well as of the so- called ‘façade-based’ approach to knowledge graphs, which is at the core of the SPARQL Anything software. Then, it moves to an illustration of the passages involved (i.e., melody extraction, N-grams extraction, N-grams analysis and exploitation
of the Music Notation Ontology). Finally, it provides some considerations regarding the result of the experiment in terms of effectiveness of the queries’ performance. In conclusion, the authors highlight how further studies in the field may cast an increasingly brighter light on the application of semantic-oriented methods and techniques to computational musicology.
[Click ‘Read more’ for the full post!]

Topic Modeling mit dem DARIAH Topics Explorer | forTEXT

Topic Modeling mit dem DARIAH Topics Explorer | forTEXT

Introduction: The first steps into working with digital methods of text analysis are often made with beginner-friendly tools. The DARIAH-DE TopicsExplorer opens up the world of topic modeling with an easy-to-understand GUI, numerous operating options and high-quality results. The team of forText of the University of Hamburg developed a tutorial (Lerneinheit) to guide users step by step from installing the software to the first results with a sample corpus. The tutorial also contains screenshots, videos, exercises and explanations. This follows the didactic concept of forText.

XML Pipelines and XProc 3.0: Report of the WG Meeting in Aachen – CCeH

Introduction: Processing XML flows has sometimes been a complicated affair traditionally, and XProc was designed to standardise and simplify the process by using declarative XML pipelines to manage operations. This blog post by Gioele Barabucci presents conclusions from a meeting in late 2017 of the XProc 3.0 working group, exploring the latest emerging version of the standard and the kinds of challenges it will overcome.