OpenMethods introduction to: Voluntad y deseo en la filosofía moderna: un acercamiento computacional
2021-10-15 11:40:03
Introduction: in this study, Cebral Loureda analyzes how will and desire are conveyed in: Ethics, by Spinoza; The Phenomenology of Spirit, by Hegel; The World as Will and Representation, by Schopenhauer; and Thus spoke Zarathustra, by Nietzsche. With the idea of determining theses texts’ degree of cohesion, the author follows a computational and quantitative methodology to compare and contrast them, as well as assess their internal contradictions. A normalized corpus, statistics and visualizations are employed so as to evaluate the terminology, topoi and sentimentality of these works. In relation to terminology, author’s findings revealed that Nietzsche uses a highly differentiated vocabulary from that of the other philosophers, adding marked emotional connotations to his discourse. Visualizations showed the terminological commonalities between Hegel and Schopenhauer and shed light on the former bearing the highest number of semantic connections with the other philosophers. As for topoi, results showed there is a clear dichotomic tension between conceptual and vital experience in the studied documents. Redefining this dualism, however, Cebral Loureda observed that the concrete is always intertwined with the abstract and vice versa. Regarding the sentimental dimension of these works, examination unveiled that Nietzsche’s presents the greatest negative sentimental load. In contrast, Spinoza’s is the most emotionally balanced. With all this, Cebral Loureda proves that there is a high degree of cohesion among these philosophical works, which link reason and emotion to will, time and spirit, core notions of modern philosophy and society.
Sara Chamosa Rabadan
Blog post
computational turn
digital humanities
R Programming
Text Mining
Todos los procedimientos computacionales han sido realizados mediante el lenguaje de programación R. […] Después, mediante las librerías tidytext (Robinson y Silge, 2020), topicmodels (Grün, Hornik y Blei, 2020), ggraph y tidygraph (Lin Pendersen, 2020) e igraph (Csárdi, 2020) principalmente[…], se han realizado los distintos recuentos de palabras, modelados y grafos, visualizados a través de la librería ggplot2 (Wickham et al., 2020). En la parte de análisis de sentimientos, se aplicaron dos métodos distintos: el del clasificador AFINN (Nielsen, 2011) traducido al español (Mendoza Vega, 2018) y el de NRC en su versión en español (Mohammad, Kiritchenko y Zhu, 2013). El primero identifica si las interacciones contienen expresiones de estados de ánimo y si expresan sentimientos positivos o negativos. El segundo asigna valores con respecto a varios sentimientos: miedo, confianza, tristeza, enfado, expectación, asco, alegría y sorpresa. Utilizando dos clasificadores se obtienen perspectivas complementarias y se confirman las tendencias detectadas.
Original source: Voluntad y deseo en la filosofía moderna: un acercamiento computacional | Cebral Loureda | Revista de Humanidades Digitales
Original date of publication: 2020. 05.
InternetArchive link:
Introduction by Open Methods contributor (Sara Chamosa Rabadán): In this study, Cebral Loureda analyzes how will and desire are conveyed in: Ethics, by Spinoza; The Phenomenology of Spirit, by Hegel; The World as Will and Representation, by Schopenhauer; and Thus spoke Zarathustra, by Nietzsche. With the idea of determining theses texts’ degree of cohesion, the author follows a computational and quantitative methodology to compare and contrast them, as well as assess their internal contradictions. A normalized corpus, statistics and visualizations are employed so as to evaluate the terminology, topoi and sentimentality of these works. In relation to terminology, author’s findings revealed that Nietzsche uses a highly differentiated vocabulary from that of the other philosophers, adding marked emotional connotations to his discourse. Visualizations showed the terminological commonalities between Hegel and Schopenhauer and shed light on the former bearing the highest number of semantic connections with the other philosophers. As for topoi, results showed there is a clear dichotomic tension between conceptual and vital experience in the studied documents. Redefining this dualism, however, Cebral Loureda observed that the concrete is always intertwined with the abstract and vice versa. Regarding the sentimental dimension of these works, examination unveiled that Nietzsche’s presents the greatest negative sentimental load. In contrast, Spinoza’s is the most emotionally balanced. With all this, Cebral Loureda proves that there is a high degree of cohesion among these philosophical works, which link reason and emotion to will, time and spirit, core notions of modern philosophy and society.