Introduction: How do we improve the quality of the fledgling practice of Web archeology, so much needed now that a first decade of Web information threatens to disappear as current interest wanes but contemporaneous cultural value is undisputed. A National Library of the Netherlands scientific report investigates.
Category: Open Archival Information Systems
Introduction: This paper explores some the new toolchains offered by the Open Web Platform and alternatives to be considered in the daily editing workflows.
Introduction: This article describes the landscape of data repositories and services for archaeologists in Europe, and the issues that make interoperability between them difficult to realise. The results of the ARIADNE surveys on users’ expectations and requirements are also presented. The main section of the article describes the architecture of the e-infrastructure, core services (data registration, discovery and access) and various other services.
Introduction: This post presents stereotypes on research methods in egyptology, and the current and new projects and tools in this research field.
Introduction: This US project proposes an interface for various analysis of scanned data and documents.
Introduction: This post updates the use of this awarded platform.
Introduction: This post highlights the perception and the representation of the reality between art and codes.
Introduction: Here is the English minutes of a German conference report on literature and Digital Humanities.
Introduction: This Italian post highlights (also with English slides) the use of the software Zotero for research process and results.
Introduction: This post highlights the analysis of illuminated manuscript in art history before and after digital methods and tools.