Introduction: This publication demonstrates how a specific digital method is a real tool for digital researches and analysis.
Category: Map
Introduction: This US project proposes an interface for various analysis of scanned data and documents.
Introduction: This post updates the use of this awarded platform.
Introduction: Here is the analytic transcription and the video of this conference on cartography.
Introduction: Here is a 2014 conference report on digital paleography and big data of the past, on epigraphic paleography, and on Oriflamms and DigiPal projects.
Introduction: In this interview, a former PhD student talked about designing her new tool for Art History.
Introduction: This post outlines a Spanish 3D project of Roman inscriptions.
Introduction: This post outlines Giorgio Caviglia’s work on interaction between visualization tools and humanities, and its consequences for research process and results.
Introduction: This post proposes screenshots for a new tutorial.
Introduction: The author highlights the unexpected use of the on-line archives, by explaining his research and its cartographic representation.