Introduction: How do we improve the quality of the fledgling practice of Web archeology, so much needed now that a first decade of Web information threatens to disappear as current interest wanes but contemporaneous cultural value is undisputed. A National Library of the Netherlands scientific report investigates.
Category: File
Introduction: The post discusses the challenges that traditional philological approach has to face in creating digital corpora of critical editions of nonvernacular medieval works.
Introduction: This paper describes a project of applying LOD on the traditional catalog metadata.
Introduction: A review of the book BITECA: Bibliografia de textos antics catalans, valencians i balears: Biblioteques i Arxius Valencians, by Beltran, Avenoza & Soriano (2013), that is an excuse to explain the technologies used to work on the first Dictionary of the Old Spanish Langauge (DOSL) and other versions at the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies (HSMS).
Introduction: This software paper describes ‘stylo’ – an R package for stylometric research and text processing.
Introduction: The post approaches the pre-print publishing model as a science strategy that can benefit especially developing countries, which may face financial difficulties in getting their research published in leading expensive journals.
Introduction: This conference report highlights a tool for preservation and research process of oral archives.
Introduction: This publication demonstrates how a specific digital method is a real tool for digital researches and analysis.
Introduction: This post reviews another post on annotations and text preparations for Topic Modeling.
Introduction: This interview highlights the migration of a database into an archive system.