Introduction: Finding suitable research data repositories that best match the technical or legal requirements of your research data is not always an easy task. This paper, authored by Stephan Buddenbohm, Maaikew de Jong, Jean-Luc Minel and Yoann Moranville showcase the demonstrator instance of the Data Deposit Recommendation Service (DDRS), an application built on top of the re3data database specifically for scholars working in the Humanities domain. The paper also highlights further directions of developing the tool, many of which implicitly bring sustainability issues to the table.
Category: Identifying
Identifying refers to the activity of naming and/or assigning (possibly unique and/or persistent) identifiers to objects of enquiry or to any kind of digital object. Adding a metadata description of the object is part of Annotation.
Introduction: This article proposes establishing a good collaboration between FactMiners and the Transkribus project that will help the Transkribus team to evolve the “sustainable virtuous” ecosystem they described as a Transcription & Recognition Platform — a Social Machine for Job Creation & Skill Development in the 21st Century!
Introduction: The rperseus package provides classicists and other people interested in ancient philology and exegesis with corpora of texts from the ancient world (based on the Perseus Digital Library), combined with a toolkit designed to compare passages and selected words with parallels where the same expressions or words occur.
Introduction: In the context of medieval and early Tudor texts scholarship, this paper discusses the methodological use of the database not simply to store information, but to clarify points of tension between the questions asked and the information provided in order to find answers.
Introduction: The post discusses the challenges that traditional philological approach has to face in creating digital corpora of critical editions of nonvernacular medieval works.
Introduction: This paper describes a project of applying LOD on the traditional catalog metadata.
Introduction: Now that sources for research increasingly are digital sources, how do we establish the quality of such sources?
Introduction: A review of the book BITECA: Bibliografia de textos antics catalans, valencians i balears: Biblioteques i Arxius Valencians, by Beltran, Avenoza & Soriano (2013), that is an excuse to explain the technologies used to work on the first Dictionary of the Old Spanish Langauge (DOSL) and other versions at the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies (HSMS).
Introduction: This open access article presents the development and the use of a digital tool for linguistic studies.
Introduction: This post outlines some methods and tools for better visualizations and contextual analysis in Ancient History.