Introduction: This post outlines digital researches in the humanities by valutating some tools and results.
Category: Publishing
Publishing refers to the activity of making any kind of object formally available to the wider public. This can involve objects of research, research data, research results, or tools and services. Publishing can be closed or open access / open source, and research results can be published in print or digital formats.
Introduction: This Italian post highlights (also with English slides) the use of the software Zotero for research process and results.
Introduction: This is a conference report on the interactions between research and digital humanities.
Introduction: This post highlights the analysis of illuminated manuscript in art history before and after digital methods and tools.
Introduction: This post highlights a new multipurpose platform in epigraphy.
Introduction: In this interview, a former PhD student talked about designing her new tool for Art History.
Introduction: This post outlines retro-digitalisation and academic analysis of paper-based documents.
Introduction: This is a report conference on musicology and encoding.
Introduction: This post outlines a tool for epigraphical research results.
Introduction: Here is a new workflow software for digitization.