Prensa digitalizada: herramientas y métodos digitales para una investigación a escala

Prensa digitalizada: herramientas y métodos digitales para una investigación a escala OpenMethods introduction to: Prensa digitalizada: herramientas y métodos digitales para una investigación a escala 2019-06-28 20:52:53 Gimena Del Rio Blog post Editing Literature Publishing Research Objects Spanish Aprendizaje…

Little package, big dependency

Little package, big dependency

Introduction: The world of R consists of innumerous packages. Most of them have very little download rates because they are limited to certain functions as part of a larger argument. Based on a surprising experience with the small package clipr Matthew Lincoln shares his thoughts about this reception phenomenon especially in the digital humanities.

The Research Software Directory and how it promotes software citation

The Research Software Directory and how it promotes software citation

Introduction: The Research Software Directory of the Netherlands eScience Institute provides easy access to software, source code and its documentation. More importantly, it makes it easy to cite software, which is highly advisable when using software to derive research results. The Research Software Directory positions itself as a platform that eases scientific referencing and reproducibility of software based research—good peer praxis that is still underdeveloped in the humanities. 

Transkribus & Magazines: Transkribus’ Transcription & Recognition Platform (TRP) as Social Machine…

Transkribus & Magazines: Transkribus’ Transcription & Recognition Platform (TRP) as Social Machine…

Introduction: This article proposes establishing a good collaboration between FactMiners and the Transkribus project that will help the Transkribus team to evolve the “sustainable virtuous” ecosystem they described as a Transcription & Recognition Platform — a Social Machine for Job Creation & Skill Development in the 21st Century!

Creating Web APIs with Python and Flask | Programming Historian

Creating Web APIs with Python and Flask | Programming Historian

Introduction: This very complete tutorial by Patrick Smyth will help digital humanists or any interested person on digital technologies applied to projects how to make data more accessible to users through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). After explaining the basics about APIs and databases, an API is built and put into practice. Python 3 and the Flask are the web frameworks used for developing this API.