Introduction: This French post analyses the data recognition between art and computer.
Category: Communicating
Communicating refers to the activity of exchanging ideas with other people, primarily, but not exclusively, using linguistic means. Relevant techniques include Email, Chat, Audio-Conferencing.
Introduction: This introductory blogpost investigates on how useful are design methods and tools for digital humanities and for knowledge.
Introduction: This post highlights the perception and the representation of the reality between art and codes.
Introduction: This post highlights the analysis of illuminated manuscript in art history before and after digital methods and tools.
Introduction: Here is a 2014 conference report on digital paleography and big data of the past, on epigraphic paleography, and on Oriflamms and DigiPal projects.
Introduction: This post outlines retro-digitalisation and academic analysis of paper-based documents.
Introduction: Here is a bilingual report of a survey on practices and tools in Digital Humanities.
Introduction: This post outlines a tool for epigraphical research results.
Introduction: Here is a new workflow software for digitization.
Introduction: This post outlines a Spanish 3D project of Roman inscriptions.