Introduction: In this post, you can find a thoughtful and encouraging selection and description of reading, writing and organizing tools. It guides you through a whole discovery-magamement-writing-publishing workflow from the creation of annotated bibliographies in Zotero, through a useful Markdown syntax cheat sheet to versioning, storage and backup strategies, and shows how everybody’s research can profit by open digital methods even without sophisticated technological skills. What I particularly like in Tomislav Medak’s approach is that all these tools, practices and tricks are filtered through and tested again his own everyday scholarly routine. It would make perfect sense to create a visualization from this inventory in a similar fashion to these workflows.
Category: Writing
Writing designates the activity of creating new texts (instead of capturing existing text). In our context, this would primarily concern research papers and reports, but may include other textually-oriented objects.
Introduction: The rperseus package provides classicists and other people interested in ancient philology and exegesis with corpora of texts from the ancient world (based on the Perseus Digital Library), combined with a toolkit designed to compare passages and selected words with parallels where the same expressions or words occur.
Introduction: This software paper describes ‘stylo’ – an R package for stylometric research and text processing.
Introduction: This conference report (with the conference podcast) outlines the TEI solutions for encoding oral corpus.
Introduction: This post presents a complete and critical balance sheet of the project DIXIT on the encoding and the literary edition.
Introduction: This post highlights digital methods and standards for an efficient analysis of historical data.
Introduction: The post approaches the pre-print publishing model as a science strategy that can benefit especially developing countries, which may face financial difficulties in getting their research published in leading expensive journals.
Introduction: This open access article presents the development and the use of a digital tool for linguistic studies.
Introduction: This post outlines some methods and tools for better visualizations and contextual analysis in Ancient History.
Introduction: This conference report highlights a tool for preservation and research process of oral archives.