Introduction: This is a conference report on the interactions between research and digital humanities.
Category: French
Introduction: Here are two videos in English on a useful tool for the transcription of manuscripts.
Introduction: This post highlights the analysis of illuminated manuscript in art history before and after digital methods and tools.
Introduction: Here is the analytic transcription and the video of this conference on cartography.
Introduction: Data capture and analysis meet here the stakes in geometrical representations and research process.
Introduction: Here is the fourth E-Man project report on the methodologies for editing ancient texts.
Introduction: This post highlights a new multipurpose platform in epigraphy.
Introduction: Here is a 2014 conference report on digital paleography and big data of the past, on epigraphic paleography, and on Oriflamms and DigiPal projects.
Introduction: In this interview, a former PhD student talked about designing her new tool for Art History.
Introduction: This is a report conference on musicology and encoding.