Introduction: This article proposes establishing a good collaboration between FactMiners and the Transkribus project that will help the Transkribus team to evolve the “sustainable virtuous” ecosystem they described as a Transcription & Recognition Platform — a Social Machine for Job Creation & Skill Development in the 21st Century!
Author: Author on Source
Introduction: This article explains the concept, the uses and the procedural steps of text mining. It further provides information regarding available teaching courses and encourages readers to use the OpenMinTeD platform for the purpose.
Introduction: The article discusses how letters are being used across the disciplines, identifying similarities and differences in transcription, digitisation and annotation practices. It is based on a workshop held after the end of the project Digitising experiences of migration: the development of interconnected letters collections (DEM). The aims were to examine issues and challenges surrounding digitisation, build capacity relating to correspondence mark-up, and initiate the process of interconnecting resources to encourage cross-disciplinary research. Subsequent to the DEM project, TEI templates were developed for capturing information within and about migrant correspondence, and visualisation tools were trialled with metadata from a sample of letter collections. Additionally, as a demonstration of how the project’s outputs could be repurposed and expanded, the correspondence metadata that was collected for DEM was added to a more general correspondence project, Visual Correspondence.
Introduction: In the context of medieval and early Tudor texts scholarship, this paper discusses the methodological use of the database not simply to store information, but to clarify points of tension between the questions asked and the information provided in order to find answers.
Introduction: This paper discusses two possible approaches for doing XSLT 2.0 transformations on the fly on a Web (Application) Server: Saxon as a PHP extension and Saxon within the popular XML database eXist and concludes that the PHP solution is superior.
Introduction: This paper explores some the new toolchains offered by the Open Web Platform and alternatives to be considered in the daily editing workflows.
Introduction: This paper describes the process whereby queries of the VRE system expressed in CERIF format are transformed into the metatada formats of the underlying e-Research Infrastructures and conversely, the results are re-transformed into CERIF and presented to the eVRE user.
Introduction: This article describes the landscape of data repositories and services for archaeologists in Europe, and the issues that make interoperability between them difficult to realise. The results of the ARIADNE surveys on users’ expectations and requirements are also presented. The main section of the article describes the architecture of the e-infrastructure, core services (data registration, discovery and access) and various other services.
Introduction: NeMO is a conceptual framework for DH. It offers a well-founded conceptualization of scholarly work, which can function as schema for a knowledge base containing information on scholarly research activity, including goals, actors, methods, tools and resources involved.