Visualizando libros difundidos y censurados durante la Guerra Fría: 1956-1971. El caso Alfred Reisch OpenMethods introduction to: Visualizando libros difundidos y censurados durante la Guerra Fría: 1956-1971. El caso Alfred Reisch 2021-06-28 11:39:00 Introduction: This article explores the potential use of data-driven methods to visualise and interpret the impact of Western efforts to influence Cold War dynamics using a covert book distribution programme. Based on a documentary corpus connected to the 2013 book by Alfred Reisch, which documented efforts by the CIA to disseminate books in the Soviet Bloc in the period 1956-1971, the authors use the Tableau Public platform to re-assess information science methods for researching historical events. Their analysis suggests that books distributed did not tend to have a more obvious political slant, but were more likely to have a broader universalist outlook. While it skirts around some of the limitations of visualization (highlighted elsewhere by Drucker and others) it offers a solid introduction to the benefits of a data-driven approach to a general audience. Paul Spence Blog post Analysis Network Analysis Research Activities Spanish Visualization Behind the Iron Curtain bloque comunista Carlos Alberto Martínez CIA cold war comunismo comunismo. Conflictos globales Guerra Fría Humanidades Digitales libros difundidos y censurados

Introduction by OpenMethods Editor (Paul Spence): This article explores the potential use of data-driven methods to visualise and interpret the impact of Western efforts to influence Cold War dynamics using a covert book distribution programme. Based on a documentary corpus connected to the 2013 book by Alfred Reisch, which documented efforts by the CIA to disseminate books in the Soviet Bloc in the period 1956-1971, the authors use the Tableau Public platform to re-assess information science methods for researching historical events. Their analysis suggests that books distributed did not tend to have a more obvious political slant, but were more likely to have a broader universalist outlook. While it skirts around some of the limitations of visualization (highlighted elsewhere by Drucker and others) it offers a solid introduction to the benefits of a data-driven approach to a general audience.

El siguiente trabajo es un esfuerzo por repensar las tareas actuales de profesionales de la información, en este caso, desde la perspectiva humanística. De esta manera, se muestra un acercamiento a los libros que fueron censurados, prohibidos y difundidos durante la etapa de la Guerra Fría, principalmente en aquellos países que conformaban el bloque comunista. Este artículo expone cómo con la extracción de datos de un corpus documental, recabados del libro Hot Books in the Cold War: The CIA-Funded Secret Western Book Distribution Program Behind the Iron Curtain y visualizados con la herramienta Tableau Public, es posible encontrar una forma distinta de entender un hecho histórico.

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Original date of publication: 25.11.2020

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