DH Research Software Engineers – For We Are Many

https://openmethods.dariah.eu/2019/11/11/dh-research-software-engineers-for-we-are-many/ OpenMethods introduction to: DH Research Software Engineers - For We Are Many 2019-11-11 07:16:08 Introduction: This white paper is an outcome of a DH2019 workshop dedicated to foster closer collaboration among technology-oriented DH researchers and  developers of tools to support Digital Humanities research. The paper briefly outlines the most pressing issues in their collaboration and addresses topics such as: good practices to ease mutual understanding between scholars and researchers; software development and academic career and recognition; or sustainability and funding. Erzsebet Tóth-Czifra https://dh-tech.github.io/dhrse-whitepaper/ Blog post Community Building Digital Humanities English Programming Computer science Computing development digital humanities first-class Mathematical and quantitative methods (economics) Software software engineering

Introduction by OpenMethods Editor (Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra): Meet the toolmakers! This white paper is an outcome of a DH2019 workshop dedicated to foster closer collaboration among technology-oriented DH researchers and developers of tools to support Digital Humanities research. The paper briefly outlines the most pressing issues in their collaboration and addresses topics such as: good practices to ease mutual understanding between scholars and researchers; software development and academic career and recognition; or sustainability and funding. You are very welcome to join the community here.

Source: DH Research Software Engineers – For We Are Many

Original date of publication: 26.07.2019.