Topic Modeling mit dem DARIAH Topics Explorer | forTEXT OpenMethods introduction to: Topic Modeling mit dem DARIAH Topics Explorer | forTEXT 2019-10-22 07:36:17 Introduction: The first steps into working with digital methods of text analysis are often made with beginner-friendly tools. The DARIAH-DE TopicsExplorer opens up the world of topic modeling with an easy-to-understand GUI, numerous operating options and high-quality results. The team of forText of the University of Hamburg developed a tutorial (Lerneinheit) to guide users step by step from installing the software to the first results with a sample corpus. The tutorial also contains screenshots, videos, exercises and explanations. This follows the didactic concept of forText. Stefan Karcher Blog post German Language Literature Modeling Topic Modeling Algorithmus Betriebssystem Bilddatei CSV-Dateien Dateiordner Hans Christian Andersen Heatmap Linux log-likelihoods Metadaten ngen Part-of-Speech sample Vektorgrafik Windows Wortart x-Achse XML ZIP-Datei

Introduction by OpenMethods Editor (Stefan Karcher): The first steps into working with digital methods of text analysis are often made with beginner-friendly tools. The DARIAH-DE TopicsExplorer opens up the world of topic modeling with an easy-to-understand GUI, numerous operating options and high-quality results. The team of forText of the University of Hamburg developed a tutorial (Lerneinheit) to guide users step by step from installing the software to the first results with a sample corpus. The tutorial also contains screenshots, videos, exercises and explanations. This follows the didactic concept of forText:

forText bietet “einsteigerfreundlich aufbereitete Methodenbeschreibungen, Textsammlungen und Tools – von Digitalisierung über Annotation zu Interpretation und Visualisierung von Literatur.” 

Source: Topic Modeling mit dem DARIAH Topics Explorer | forTEXT