Creating Web APIs with Python and Flask | Programming Historian

Creating Web APIs with Python and Flask | Programming Historian

Introduction: This very complete tutorial by Patrick Smyth will help digital humanists or any interested person on digital technologies applied to projects how to make data more accessible to users through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). After explaining the basics about APIs and databases, an API is built and put into practice. Python 3 and the Flask are the web frameworks used for developing this API.

XML Pipelines and XProc 3.0: Report of the WG Meeting in Aachen – CCeH

Introduction: Processing XML flows has sometimes been a complicated affair traditionally, and XProc was designed to standardise and simplify the process by using declarative XML pipelines to manage operations. This blog post by Gioele Barabucci presents conclusions from a meeting in late 2017 of the XProc 3.0 working group, exploring the latest emerging version of the standard and the kinds of challenges it will overcome.


Introduction: Know Your Implementation: Subgraphs in Literary Networks shows how the online tool ezlinavis can give account of detached subgraphs while working with network analysis of literary texts. For this specific case, Goethe’s Faust, Part One (1808) was analyzed and visualized with ezlinavis, and average distances were calculated giving some new results to this research in relation to Faust as protagonist.