Creating Web APIs with Python and Flask | Programming Historian OpenMethods introduction to: Creating Web APIs with Python and Flask | Programming Historian 2018-04-10 14:18:43 Introduction: This very complete tutorial by Patrick Smyth will help digital humanists or any interested person on digital technologies applied to projects how to make data more accessible to users through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). After explaining the basics about APIs and databases, an API is built and put into practice. Python 3 and the Flask are the web frameworks used for developing this API. Gimena Del Rio Blog post Code Collaboration Creation Data Dissemination English Infrastructure Programming Sharing Web development via bookmarklet

Introduction by OpenMethods Editor (Gimena Del Rio): This very complete tutorial by Patrick Smyth will help digital humanists or any interested person on digital technologies applied to projects how to make data more accessible to users through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). After explaining the basics about APIs and databases, an API is built and put into practice. Python 3 and the Flask are the web frameworks used for developing this API.

Learn how to set up a basic Application Programming Interface (API) to make your data more accessible to users. This lesson also discusses principles of API design and the benefits of APIs for digital projects.

Web APIs are tools for making information and application functionality accessible over the internet. In this lesson, you will:

  • Learn what an API is and when you should use one.
  • Learn how to build a web API that returns data to its users.
  • Learn some principles of good API design, applying them to an API that draws book metadata from a database.


Source: Creating Web APIs with Python and Flask | Programming Historian