‘Şalmu’ and the nature of digitized artefacts
Introduction by OpenMethods Editor (Delphine Montoliu): This post proposes reflexions on definitions of a digitized version of an artefact after a DH conference.
Last term (Hilary term 2011) at the traditional Oxford Slade Lectures, I had the chance to hear Prof. Z. Bahrani speak about the nature of representations in the Ancient Middle-East. The title of her lecture series “The Infinite Image: Art and Ontology in Antiquity” (many thanks to Prof. A. K. Bowman who flagged them up!) resonated with some of the questions we were dealing with while working on the e-Science and Ancient Documents project. I was not able to attend the very first lecture, but enjoyed tremendously the second one, as well as all the following ones. The second lecture, entitled: “What is/was an image?”, struck very close to home and got me thinking about mimesis and subsequently about the nature of digital images of artefacts, or more generally of digitized artefacts. The core of Prof. Bahrani’s argument in this lecture can be found in her book “The Graven Image” (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2003.)
Original publication date: 06/05/2011.
Source: ‘Şalmu’ and the nature of digitized artefacts | From Artefact to Meaning