Geo‐referencing of historical maps with QGIS OpenMethods introduction to: Geo‐referencing of historical maps with QGIS 2017-08-24 11:54:17 Introduction: This post proposes screenshots for a new tutorial. Delphine Montoliu Blog post Analysis Capture Collocation Analysis Communicating Dissemination English Georeferencing Images Imaging Linked open data Map Meta-Activities Research Activities Research Objects Research Techniques Sharing Software Spatial Analysis Teaching / Learning Tools via bookmarklet

Introduction by OpenMethods Editors (Delphine Montoliu): This post proposes screenshots for a new tutorial.

A new tutorial demonstrates with screenshots the workflow of geo-referencing of historical maps with the open source Quantum GIS via Academia.


Original publication date: 02/10/2014.

Source: Geo‐referencing of historical maps with QGIS – Georeferenzierung von historischen Karten mit QGIS | archäologiedigitale